2022 Stick It to Brain Tumors Tournament
All players and coaches must complete and sign the roster and code of conduct form in order to participate. By signing the Roster and Code of Conduct Form, you agree:
- That participation in this tournament is at the discretion of the tournament director, is voluntary, and is for the express purpose of having fun, improving awareness of brain cancer and for fund raising for the specified charities.
- To abide by the rules of the tournament, all decisions of the tournament director and disciplinary committee.
- To abide by the USA Hockey Rules and Code of Conduct.
- To show good sportsmanship, courtesy, and respect to all coaches, players, officials and fans at all times.
- That all family, fans and other persons associated with the team shall be held to the same Code of Conduct standard.
- That anyone found to be behaving in an unbecoming manner shall be ejected from the tournament premises.
- All team members will comply with the latest Covid-19 safety protocols.
You release, discharge, waive and otherwise completely exonerate the Tournament volunteers and Union College for any liability, responsibility or other basis for any injury or ailment that might arise in connection with the tournament activities. You recognize and understand that hockey is a sport inherent with risks and responsibilities and by playing in the tournament you knowingly assume all risk.
Any person found to have made an inaccurate statement, or who violates the Code of Conduct, may be ejected from the tournament. There shall be no refunds permitted for any reason, including but not limited to misconduct by players, coaches, family or fans.
Roster and Code of Conduct Form